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- ☀️ The Ultimate Summer Survival Guide for Working Parents
☀️ The Ultimate Summer Survival Guide for Working Parents
Stay Cool and Connected This Summer

Edition #123 | Read time: 5 Minutes
Hi Mamas-
As summer heats up, we know that trying to balance work and family becomes even more intense. But don't worry— we’ve totally got your back.
In this edition of The CARRY™ ALL, we dive into some helpful strategies for managing the demands of career and parenthood all summer long. And we even find ways for you to bond with your older kids as the temperatures rise.🥵
(Wait — is this just the heat… or are we having a hot flash? 🔥)
Here’s the truth: Summer doesn’t have to be a slog.
So — whether you’re a DIPS, DINK, POLK, a POOK or something else — grab a cool drink, find a comfy spot in the shade, and don’t sweat it — you’ve got this summer, mama!
-Paula Faris, Founder CARRY™
This week in The CARRY™ ALL, we’re talking about:
🛟 The ULTIMATE Guide to Savoring Your Summer
💞 How to Bond with Your Teen or Tween This Summer
🤰Your Total Guide to Maternity Leave Laws by State (plus summer pregnancy tips!)

What parenting acronym/life stage do you fall into?We admit — these acronyms make us LOL 🤪 |
THE BIG 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣
1️⃣ 🛟 The ULTIMATE Guide to Savoring Your Summer
Just when we begin to look forward to summer and the deep breath from the break of carpool shuffles, concerts, games, homework hustle and the never-ending schedule coordination — we realize we are walking right back into a season of chaos, decision fatigue, and the stress summertime can cause working moms.
Want to SAVOR your summer this year? We’ve got you covered.
Grab our FREE Guide here.
2️⃣ 💞 How to Bond with Your Teen or Tween This Summer
It might be hard to find times when your teen or tween isn’t glued to their phone or hanging out with friends this summer. But in between their busy social schedules, sleeping late, and eating everything that’s not nailed down, summer can be a great time to build up your bond with your big kids.
While there are plenty of great ideas in this article, we love the suggestions of going on a date and tucking them in 🛌
(We’re not crying — you are!)
3️⃣🤰Comprehensive Guide to Maternity Leave Laws by State (plus summer pregnancy tips!)
If you’re expecting this summer, you’ve definitely got a lot on your mind — not the least of which being surviving the heat and humidity while carrying a bowling ball…
Fortunately, we found some super helpful tips to help you have a “Cool Girl Summer” 😉 (Sneak Peak: Icy Mocktails!!)
And since you’re pregnant, you’re likely also stressing about what you’re legally entitled to regarding maternity leave. We’ve got you covered with this guide on mat laws by state.
for working moms with older children
As kids get bigger, so do their birthday wish lists. And the items on those lists? They seem to get more and more expensive every year. So — how do we give our kids presents that they want without needing to take another mortgage out on the house? This article is a great resource as you begin to have financial literacy conversations with your kids. Our favorite piece of advice is to involve the kids in the process!
It’s not news that TikTok and other social media platforms routinely target kids with beauty videos intended to get them to buy products they don’t need. In fact, girls everywhere have been purchasing anti-aging products intended for women 3x their age. And instead of making them “glow”, as the videos promise, the products are causing damage. A new California bill proposes keeping anti-aging products out of the hands of tweens. You can read more about it here.
Last week’s poll results: Almost 40% of you said you were offended by Harrison Butker’s comments — but it really was a mixed bag! Keep reading for a few of your thoughts and comments!
➡️ “Honestly the message itself wasn't necessarily the problem (I love for people to be able to do what gives and brings them the most joy) the problem was the delivery/assumption/privilege that it came seeeeeeped in. People do not need to be told what to do or how to do it. People need to be SUPPORTED in reaching their personal goals which may look similar or different from each other. That is why we are in America and can have agency over determining our own destinies (to an extent....)”
➡️ “I think as a single Mom, not by choice, I feel defensive, but when I was married and a SAHM this wouldn't have bothered me. I can see both sides of the speech.”
➡️ “He failed to read the room: attendees were celebrating years of hard work and about to embark on next chapters in life, these comments aren’t appropriate for the setting. Once that fact is established, we can move on to other inappropriateness of the comments, but first, please learn to read the room. ”
➡️ “I believe that women are not celebrated enough for all the things that make being a woman and mother amazing. I think there should be more celebration for the femininity of being a woman, and stop trying to act like we are the same as men. We are NOT, and that is the beauty in us. I say this as a woman who has been highly successful in a very majority men industry (IT). I am successful but it's not because I need to be or try to be like a man.”
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