☀️ School's (almost) out for SUMMER

Your summer survival guide as a working mom.

The Carry All

Edition #122 | Read time: 5 Minutes

This week we’re handing over the reins (pen? keyboard?) to friend of The CARRY™ ALL, Sarah Gallagher Trombley.

Sarah is a former Snapchat exec and mom of 2 who writes an incredible digital parenting newsletter. She’s helping us out this week while we dig out the bathing suits and locate the pool toys.

Thank you, Sarah and Happy Start of Summer, Mamas!

Tired Good Night GIF

Paula here! What a week for working parents, right?

From Harrison Butker’s controversial speech to the launch of New York’s Paid Prenatal Leave program —yes, we said PRENATAL, working parents were on a rollercoaster ride of lament and celebration.

Below, we’re asking for your thoughts on Butker’s speech — not because we want to stir the pot, but because even though outrage was definitely the loudest — we saw our fair share of reactions that were slightly more mild.

Maybe you’ve got a take we haven’t considered?

Weigh in below ⬇️

Now, it’s really time to hand over the reins to you, Sarah! 👋🏽

 This week in The CARRY™ ALL, we’re talking about:

  • ☀️ The EASY way to find non-toxic summer essentials

  • 🎨 What to do with ALL that end of year artwork

  • 📵 SCREEN FREE entertainment ideas for summer

Were you outraged by Harrison Butker's comments about women and motherhood?

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THE BIG 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣

1️⃣ ☀️ The EASY way to find non-toxic summer essentials

Before you clear out the Costco sunscreen aisle, make sure you check out the YUKA app.

This free app will tell you the toxicity rating of almost any skin, hair or beauty product. It rates food products too! Just scan the barcode of any product and get answers on the spot. Genius!

2️⃣ 🎨 How to deal with ALL that end of year artwork

Are you reading this from underneath an avalanche of kid’s artwork? I recently found Artkive and converted mountains of artwork into art books.

Finished art books also make great gifts for grandparents.

PRO TIP: Make sure you send everything in before September to get books back by Christmas)!

3️⃣ 📵 SCREEN FREE entertainment ideas for summer

Summer (hopefully) means more downtime. 

If you’re looking for entertainment ideas for your kids that don’t involve watching an iPad, you should check out Starglow Podcasts. The shows are very high quality and suitable for ages 4-10. Highly recommend.


for working moms with older children
  • My tweens still have a few more weeks of school, but I know the second they’re out, they’ll be reaching for their screens. In order to avoid a summer long screentime battle, I created this Summer Screen Prep Guide. 

  • For the parents contemplating whether or not to give their elementary school graduates a smartphone to mark the milestone, here is a rundown of the devices that are out there. 

  • There is so much written about how hard it is to parent teenagers. I love Poet and instagram mom Ali Flynn who publishes as hang.in.there.mama. She is a refreshing voice who writes beautifully about how much there is to love about having big kids. Here is one of my favorite pieces.

  • Is anyone else mystified by teen slang? My new favorite TikTok/IG personality is Mr. Lindsay. He is a middle school teacher who reports on and deciphers teen slang. Its very funny and also extremely helpful. So Sigma.

Last week’s poll results: Almost 60% of you said that your ability to balance motherhood and career ambitions depended on the day. Keep reading for a few of your thoughts and comments!

➡️ “I am also a caregiver to my elderly parents while also raising elementary and middle school age children. Balancing career and motherhood while being in the Sandwich Generation is not for the faint of heart! 😵

➡️As a teacher I have summers off. Then I feel like I do a good job "momming" but from October to May, it is really hard.”

➡️ “Some days I’m just trying to survive while other days I can say I’m thriving.”


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If you’ve made it this far — we’ve got a comment section where we’d LOVE for you to chime in! 🎉 

Click the button below to join the conversation.


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