✌🏽 Kiss that mom guilt GOODBYE

A deep dive into mental health for working moms...

The Carry All

Edition #121 | Read time: 5 Minutes

So according to that stat above, most of us working moms are doing the impossible. 🤪

And we’re also carrying around an enormous amount of mom guilt because we’re working.

Balancing work, parenting, relationships, and self-care can feel like a never-ending juggle… or maybe, struggle 🫣 So often — in the end, we’re pulled in every direction, clutching our cup of coffee for dear life. 😘

But here's the good news: Research shows that being a working mom isn't just okay— it's actually beneficial for our children's future and our own well-being.

Read that again 👀

Let’s dive headfirst into the topic of mom guilt and how to kick it to the curb once and for all. Plus, as the month of May marks Mental Health Awareness Month, we're shining a spotlight on the importance of self-care too.

So grab a cup of coffee, take a deep breath, and let's do this thing. 

 This week in The CARRY™ ALL, we’re talking about:

  • ✌️ How to Ditch the Mom Guilt Once and For All

  • 🧘🏽‍♀️ Meditation for Working Moms

  • 🫶🏾 10 Mental Health Tips for Working Moms 

Mom Life Burning GIF by Scary Mommy

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THE BIG 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣

1️⃣ ✌🏽 How to Ditch Mom Guilt for GOOD

We know the deal: When you’re working, you feel like you should be spending more time with your kids, and when you’re momming, you feel like you should be working, right? And round and round it goes.

We hinted at it above — but having a working mom actually benefits your kids. Daughters are empowered and go on to have better careers, higher salaries, and more equal relationships. And sons grow to be more involved fathers and spend more time caring for family members.

Read all the reasons you should say “Buh-bye” to your mom guilt in our FREE GUIDE — a sneak peak into Paula’s very own research and the tools she’s identified to make us all guilt-free moms.

2️⃣ 🧘🏽‍♀️ Meditation for Working Moms

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which means it’s a great time to take a step back and really take a look at how we’re doing.

As working moms, we tend to go go go without stop, and we often forget our MUCH-NEEDED self care. But don’t forget: If we don’t care for ourselves, we are unable to care for anyone else.

We love this meditation that was created specifically for CARRY™ moms by Dan Harris. In his words, he hopes this 14-minute meditation will make your remaining waking moments a little saner and more balanced.

3️⃣ 🫶🏾 10 Mental Health Tips for Working Moms

As hard as it may seem, it is essential that we care for ourselves, and put our mental health front and center. (Ever hear the saying that a dysregulated adult cannot help emotionally regulate a child?) But with so few free moments in the day, how is that even possible?

Fortunately there are plenty of things we can do to keep our mental health, well, healthy. Some of our favorites include getting creative, exercising, and asking for help.

Check out the full list here.


for working moms with older children
  • It’s no secret that Gen Xers were raised to be wildly independent from an early age. (Raise your hand if you walked home from school and let yourself into an empty house 🙋‍♀️.) So there is a reason that many from this generation have chosen to raise their own kids a bit differently — and perhaps a little (a lot) stricter than their parents did. Check out this Gen X mom’s essay about just that.

  • We’ve all heard it while raising kids. While attempting to tame a wild threenager, some nearby (well-meaning?) mother snarkily comments something about how that behavior is nothing compared to the teen years. Well, we’re here to say that maybe that doesn’t have to be the case. We love this essay that points out the moments to look forward to as your kids start to become more independent. Our fav? The conversations. ❤️

  • Every stage of motherhood has its challenges, but they’re all beautiful in their own way.

Last week’s poll results: Over 55% of you said you felt the pressure to “do it all” as a working mom. Keep reading for a few of your thoughts and comments!

➡️ “Some days I feel supported with my partner, and others, when he's got a busy work schedule or week, it feels like I have to run the household on top of my consulting business.”

➡️  “I am the primary breadwinner, benefits holder, but also the primary parent who manages the schedule, groceries and bills. My husband works full time for a start up and has less flexibility than I have at my role. Lately it just seems like I'm not doing my family or my job justice.”

➡️ “Thankful for a village of people who come alongside our family to help care for us and our 3 kids, while we both work full-time: both sets of our parents, our church family, our friends. We are blessed!”

➡️ “As a divorced mom, I find myself being mom and dad much of the time. My kids are older, but they still need me and sometimes, the pressure is thick.”


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