🌞 Hit Your Summer Stride

Balance summer fun and work like a pro

The Carry All

Edition #128 | Read time: 5 Minutes

Hi mamas-

Believe it or not, summer is in FULL SWING. And while the days are long and hot, and there is ZERO structure to your kids day, it can be the perfect time for some ME time.

The key is to find those precious moments to dive into a good book, whip up a tasty sweet treat, and try to enjoy some family time. And if you’re sick of getting eaten alive while enjoying time outside, we have some help for you. 

Here's to embracing summertime and finding your rhythms, mama. Happy reading!

-Paula Faris, Founder CARRY™

 This week in The CARRY™ ALL, we’re talking about:

  • 📚  Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books Podcast  

  • 🍰 Easy Berry Ice Box Cake for 4th of July (Last Minute Recipe Idea)

  • 🦟 The BEST Mosquito Repellent... without a spray!

Do You Know Why Smells Linger On Activewear Fabrics?

Activewear fabrics trap sweat & dead skin due to the tightly woven fabrics. Normal detergents coat over these so once your body heats up the stink returns.

ACTIVE detergent uses an enzyme blend to break down & remove sweat, oil, and dead skin fast!

THE BIG 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣

1️⃣ 📚  Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books Podcast

Whether you manage to find chunks of precious time in your week to devote to reading, or you desperately sneak in 5 minutes before bedtime, we have a great solution for you. The Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books podcast gets all your favorite celebrities, novelists, and memoirists right in your ear to keep you up to date on the latest releases, and help you find your next book! (Keep reading for our recs!)

2️⃣ 🍰 Easy Berry Ice Box Cake for 4th of July (Last Minute Recipe Idea)

When it’s 1,000 degrees outside, who wants to turn on an oven?! But just because it’s hot doesn’t mean any of us stop wanting dessert…Enter the Easy Berry Icebox Cake - the perfect option for the 4th of July (or any time, let’s be honest.) You (or your kids or partner) can prep this delicious berry, graham cracker, and homemade vanilla whipped cream concoction in about 15 minutes, leaving you plenty of time to put your feet up and maybe actually enjoy the summer.

3️⃣ 🦟 The BEST Mosquito Repellent... without a spray!

Ahhh…nothing like summertime, when you get to wear shorts and skirts and be covered in red blotches from mini vampires, ahem, mosquitos. You and the kids can say goodbye to unbearable itching with this Thermacell Mosquito Repellent. We love it because it’s rechargeable, offers a 20’ protection zone, and includes a 12-hour repellent refill. Not today, little blood suckers!

How much time are you able to devote to reading per week?

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📚 Click here to grab a copy of these reads. What should we feature next? Reply to this email or tell us in the comment section at the very bottom of this newsletter.


for working moms with older children
  • For those of you with 7th graders, here’s some sage advice from a psychologist: “7th grade is not predictive of who your kids are going to be like.” Now take a deep breath and let it out! This article reminds us that 7th graders are not much fun because they don’t have anything figured out yet. It’s an awkward time of life, and everyone is just trying to get by. So don’t worry if this is your first rodeo with early teenagers. It WILL get MUCH better.

  • If you’ve taken note that your and your friends’ daughters seem to be getting their periods earlier than we did, you’re not wrong. A new study published in JAMA Network Open revealed that the average age of a girl’s first period has dropped to 11.9 years old. While there are several factors that might be to blame, as well as some long-term health impacts to consider, one thing has become clear: we need to start having period conversations earlier with our girls.

Last week’s poll results: Over 30% of you get 20+ days of PTO and 24% of you get 10-15 days of PTO. Keep reading for a few of your thoughts and comments!

➡️ “We are very lucky at my company; if you are salaried, you can pretty much take as much PTO as you want as long as the work gets done. “

➡️ “I’m 43 and I’ve never had more than 12 days of PTO. It’s a recipe for burnout.”

➡️ “My company recently adopted "unlimited PTO" but this tends to benefit the company more than the employees. We still get flagged if we take "too much" and we don't get paid out for unused days if we move to another company. It's hard to know where the sweet spot is.”

➡️ “I work freelance, so if I don’t work, I don’t get paid. But, I get to decide my schedule.”


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