šŸ“£ LOUD AND PROUD | 3-26-2024

Edition 114

The Carry All

Edition #112 | Read time: 5 Minutes

Weā€™ll venture to guess that parenting is nothing at all like what you imagined it would be, right?

Weā€™re not saying better or worse ā€” just different. 

We all hear about sleep deprivation, but letā€™s face it, you donā€™t actually know what that feels like until youā€™re in the throes of it and youā€™re literally begging your newborn to please fall back asleep just for a few minutes pleasepleaseplease.

But sleep deprivation is just the beginning. 

Nobody prepared us for the challenges of managing multiple children crying simultaneously, each with unique developmental needs. We werenā€™t told how to help our little ones when other kids are mean to them. We werenā€™t warned about how much it hurts us when our kids are hurt. We didnā€™t realize how crazy-making it can be to tell one small person 27 times to ā€œPUT ON YOUR SHOES!ā€ We were oblivious to the fact that weā€™d be chauffeurs, chefs, therapists, and playmates 24/7, every day, over and over again on repeat without a break.

We also likely didnā€™t realize how LUCKY we would feel to be able to do all of that.

At CARRYā„¢, we believe ALL of this matters. 

And more than that, we believe it ALL makes us better humans, and yes, even better at our jobs. (Which is why this newsletter is a rally cry for each and every one of you to add ā€œParentā€ to your resume. Youā€™ve earned it.)

 This week in The CARRYā„¢ ALL, weā€™re talking about:

  • Add to Resume: Getting šŸ’© Done 

  • ā—ļøWe Werenā€™t Kidding

  • šŸ“‹ Tips for Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

Do you have "mom" (or something similar) in your LinkedIn headline? (keep reading to see your responses about publicly funded pre-k from last week's poll)

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THE BIG 1ļøāƒ£ 2ļøāƒ£ 3ļøāƒ£

1ļøāƒ£ Parents: We Get šŸ’© Done

Do you get sh*t done? Of course you do ā€” youā€™re a mom. Just think back to what you thought ā€œbeing busyā€ meant before you had kids and compare that to your daily dose of chaos with kids in the house now. Insanity, right? 

Itā€™s no secret that we believe that being a parent is a superpower. And since we know youā€™re with us ā€” thereā€™s no reason that you shouldnā€™t add that SKILL to your RESUME

Did you know that itā€™s scientifically proven that raising children results in empathy, collaboration, and prioritization? Those all happen to be traits of successful leaders. So why not add it to your resume?

(And if you want to shout it out even more, we love these *Add to Resume tee-shirts and mugs from our friend and fellow working mom, Tara Elwell Henning of Superkin. They let the world know just how much you get done ā€“ yes, even when someone interrupts your, ahem, ā€œaloneā€ time in the bathroom šŸ¤Ŗ)

2ļøāƒ£ ā—ļøNo No, We Were Serious 

Still not convinced that you should add ā€œParentā€ to your resume or LinkedIn?

We love this take on the matter by working mom Michelle Okeke. After becoming a new mom and being out of the workforce for several months, Michelle felt she needed to add her new title to her resume. She makes three incredible points about her why:

  • Being a parent demonstrates achievement on her part. Specifically, she found that being a mom has made her ā€œstronger, wiser, more empathetic, more resilientā€ and a better individual all around. These are all achievements that make any professional more valuable, so why not include it?

  • Adding ā€œParentā€ to her resume helps her own her own story. What narrative would hiring managers and recruiters assume when they see a gap in her resume? Likely not the reality of the situation. Michelle made it very clear what she spent those months doing so that no one else would create their own version about her time away from the office.

  • Boundary setting became incredibly important for Michelle as a new mom. She wanted to join an organization that wouldnā€™t diminish her identity as a parent. Motherhood was now a major part of who she was, and she aimed for the flexibility to balance her roles as a mom/worker. Michelle believed in her ability to excel at both; she just needed her new company's support to make it happen.

3ļøāƒ£ šŸ“‹  While Weā€™re on the Subjectā€¦

While weā€™re on the topic of updating your resume, we love these ideas for optimizing your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is, after all, our digital resume and is likely the first thing hiring managers see when we apply for jobs. So why not give it a little TLC?

Be sure to spend some time not only on the resume aspect of your profile, but also on your summary. This is where you get to show your personality and really introduce yourself. Look at it as your handshake upon meeting someone. 

The days of shopping for cute little pants and socks are gone before your eyes, and your kidsā€™ clothes are almost as big as your own. Rather than mourn the baby years, letā€™s try to enjoy all the fantastic aspects of having bigger kids: theyā€™re more independent, you can have real conversations with them, and you can truly begin to appreciate the amazing people that theyā€™re becoming.

  • We know thereā€™s no script or right way to parent tweens and teens (especially when their hormones are raging). So what do we do in those heated moments when they get under our skin and we get under theirs and emotions are running high? This mom has some wonderful advice on parenting goals for the teenage years.

  • With bigger kids come bigger questions. Fortunately weā€™re parenting at a time when society realizes itā€™s important to be open when it comes to speaking about our bodies. Not only that, we now realize how vital it is to have an open dialogue about sex and all those similarly difficult topics. While it might not feel comfortable for you to talk about (likely because you were raised during a time when these things were still a little taboo), itā€™s so important. We love this momā€™s take on the whole thing.

  • Letā€™s be clear, moms. Shopping for kids sneakers that you can fit into isnā€™t the hardest part about parenting older kids. Itā€™s understanding WTH theyā€™re talking aboutā€¦ Weā€™re looking at you Gen-Z kidsā€¦ šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«

Last weekā€™s poll revealed that OVER 50% of you live in a state that does not have publicly-funded Pre-K. Hereā€™s what you had to say:

āž”ļø ā€œWe have Early Head Start but only for families who qualify by income level (so not for two working people).ā€

āž”ļø ā€œWell, technically there is a publicly funded, need-based K4 option, but they take very few kids. It's not universal K4.ā€

āž”ļø ā€œWhile the short answer is yes, it is not accessible for all. In my school division (in which I work!), our preschool is free but has limited space. Students with qualifying factors such as low SES, disabilities, incarcerated parents have top priority over others.ā€

āž”ļø ā€œMy daughter is in a preschool within the building I teacher but I pay for her to go. Iā€™m going with my state does not.ā€


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