⚖️ Balancing Work and Summer

This can be YOUR time too!

The Carry All

Edition #131 | Read time: 5 Minutes

We love sharing your stories. Leave your comments at the bottom of this newsletter or in our weekly poll for a chance to be featured in an upcoming edition!

We’re already more than halfway through July, and while we’re glued to our laptops, grinding away 👩🏻‍💻, our kids are living it up.

The juggle is real. Because balancing the demands of work with the desire to create magical summer moments can feel impossible.

BUT what if we told you that it's actually possible to enjoy both worlds? This week we focus on finding those sweet spots of joy amidst the chaos, because there’s still some time left to make this summer one for the books!

Whether it's sneaking in a juicy beach read during those short lunch breaks or finding crafty ways to outsmart the bugs while you enjoy your yard, we’re here for you.

It’s time to soak up some sun, crank up the laughter, and make some memories before the season slips away.

 This week in The CARRY™ ALL, we’re talking about:

  • 🏠 An App to help with the household labor

  • 📖  A Fantastic Beach Read + Signed Copy Giveaway!

  • 🦟 Mosquitoes Be Gone!

Recently, we shared the CareLoad Assessment from Persist to show how the division of labor shakes out in your home. And many of you loved it! Now, you can experience the full power of the Persist App!

The Persist App is your personalized guided system for creating better habits, with tools that build visibility, appreciation, and fairness. It also offers access to expert coaches and helpful resources, designed to create a fairer, more balanced household.

We know that moms end up carrying it all. We also know that PERSIST will help cut through the tension at home over who is doing what…

Join hundreds of families who rave about the impact of Persist. Get the app now and transform your home life today.

Is the division of labor a source of stress in your household?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

THE BIG 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣

1️⃣ 😎 Get the Most Out of Your Summer as a Working Mom

Let’s face it: having to work during the summer while the kids have all the fun is no bueno. 👎🏻 What if it wasn’t all or nothing? Yes, the work still has to get done (and dinners need to be made, and drop offs and pickups are still very much a thing…) But what if there were a way to carve out some moments of pleasure in the middle of the (humid) chaos? We love these suggestions for getting the most out of your summer. We especially love the idea of being intentional with your summer experiences.

2️⃣ 📖 Fantastic Beach Read + Signed Copy Giveaway!

Need a juicy beach read STAT? Look no further. A Happier Life, the new bestseller by Kristy Woodson Harvey, checks all the summer fiction boxes: mystery, romance, Southern Charm, and family drama. PLUS, Paula had the chance to hang with Kristy on her Happier Life book tour (check out the pic below!) Kristy wants to GIVE AWAY 5 SIGNED COPIES! Just head to the Comments section at the bottom of this newsletter and type "HAPPIER LIFE.” The first 5 people to do so will be the lucky winners!

Paula with author
Kristy Woodson Harvey

3️⃣ 🦟 Mosquitoes Be Gone!

Have you been trying to enjoy your summer but have been too busy swatting at mosquitoes and tending to itchy welts all over your and your kids’ bodies? Yeah that’s a quick way to ruin summer. If you’re not too keen on spraying everyone with bug spray, you might want to consider this DEET-Free Thermacell Mosquito Repeller that rids the area of those pesky vampires. The best part is that you don’t need to use a stinky candle to get the job done.


for working moms with older children
  • Nothing can quite prepare you for your baby growing up. But what if your baby looks older than they are? Having a pre-teen who can easily be mistaken for a teen is enough to make any mama pine for the days of tiny shoes and lil’ sticky fingers. But when your kid’s feet are bigger than yours, you’re officially in a different parenting realm. This article is spot on— describing what it’s like when your kid looks older than they are, and all the expectations and confidence issues that come along for the ride.

  • No one said parenting was easy, but parenting teens can feel like its own unique challenge. What's your parenting style? This article highlights the benefits of developing open, trusting communication with your kids rather than being overly strict and demanding obedience. Unsurprisingly, the latter approach can lead to rebellion and encourage riskier behavior among teens compared to their friends who feel trusted by their parents. Believe it or not, strict rules against certain behaviors can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. 🫣

Last week’s poll results: Nearly 55% of you missed 0-5 days of work last year, while over 26% missed 6-11 due to child care issues. Keep reading for a few of your thoughts and comments!

➡️ “Since he was a baby, my son has always managed to catch EVERY bug going around and spend at least a week sick with each one. Flu A at Thanksgiving, Flu B after Christmas. Then he passes it to me so I spend a week home with him before spending a week home sick myself.”

➡️ “It always seems to fall on me even though my partner is also supportive. I am the main parent managing all things doctor and it's A LOT!!!”

➡️ “When you're a parent, most days off have something to do with childcare- they're sick in the morning, the nurse calls from school, the sitter is away that week, etc. My hubby and I juggle it: he has 4 weeks, and I have 13 days during the school year, but his 4 weeks includes his entire PTO, so he saves 2 weeks for our summer vacations. Super limiting! So a total of 23 days from August through June to split between three kids for any sick or personal time together. Crazy!”


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